Our Work
Stand Up for Stand Up (SUFSU) is a Nonprofit organization that is focused on providing resources and support for Comedians in need. Specifically, Stand Up for Stand Up seeks to provide Comedians with the following:
SUFSU is made up of comedians, producers, and industry professionals who care deeply about the people it serves - Comics! In our experience, there's a huge gap among working Comedians in understanding how the business works. This leaves our community of Comedians at a great disadvantage and Stand Up for Stand Up seeks to help bridge this divide by offering free, transparent Education-Based Programs and seminars to comedians. Offered regularly, subjects will span a number of subjects including (but not limited to)
Tax Prep and Accounting
The Economics of Being a Comedian
Navigating booking, getting paid, and career sustainability
Building Your Act while Keeping Your Sanity
Hustle: You Don't Have to Do it All
How to Read an Agreement
Let's be real. Comedy has, for a very long time, been feast or famine. Historically, comedians could go from dead-broke to getting a network deal off the strength of a late night set. Before founding Stand Up for Stand Up, all of the founding board members have had an interest in building a bigger middle-class of comedy in the U.S. and abroad. The Mini-Grant Program will support Comedians during periods of financial hardship. This may include out-of-pocket medical expenses, unexpected car repair bills, or other burdensome expenses a Comedian may incur. SUFSU is committed to endowing the community of Comedians with at least $40,000 annually and is proud to help where we can.
In addition to those three core missions, SUFSU looks forward to helping working Comedians in other related areas such as legal and tax support, protection of their intellectual property, and proper collection of any due monies from the usage of their creative works.
3.) Mental Health Assistance
On the one hand, things are hard today for comedians. Hustle culture, uncertainty in the wake of COVID-19, and myriad other issues can be a real burden on our mental health. On the other hand, as we move into the future, the stigma around mental health and talk therapy has been waning and what was once taboo to talk about is now common fare. SUFSU is committed to providing access to mental health services including counseling, crisis stabilization, mediation, and grief and loss support.
If you are interested in receiving services from SUFSU, please email info@standupforstandup.org.